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Friday, January 8, 2010

I finally found out what a Bud Light Girl was......... .... Who Knew??

Ok so you ever had that really?? That's it moment??

Well I was at an Awesome Party at my local Hangout Taco Mac in Douglasville and prior, I was sending out the invites, promotions, etc.... and everyone kept emphasizing and REMINDING me that the "Bud Light Girls" were coming...... well I am a chick so I was like So what..... and I kindly asked the owner and the Bud Light rep "What about the Bud Light Guys, for the Ladies", the first laughed and said he would check into it..... the second never responded..... in his defense he may have never seen it... it was a post on a facebook status message.....

ANYWAY!! LO and Behold I get to the party and I am looking around for these highly praised "Bud Light Girls" .... I saw nothing.... I envisioned scantily clad hot women in front of giant beer buckets handing out beers and prizes! I kept looking.... and still nothing!! All the BUD reps were gathered at a table in the front and I eyed their table.... No scantily clad women there....

There were however these two very cute young looking girls, completely covered....I thought they were one of the guys girlfriends or something!!

IMAGINE if you will my COMPLETE and total disappointment that THESE two cute girls, that were in completely modest attire were IN FACT the Bud Light Girls.... WTH!!!

Now don't get me wrong, I am not into girls..... but I had pictured the "Bud Light Guys" as being Chippendale like.... scantily clad and handing out beads to overly excited middle age empty nesting moms like myself (Not me personally I have my own hottie at home... Love you honey, in case he reads this) HA!........ Yeah..... COMPLETE disappointment..... When did the beer companies put clothes on their representatives..... If they do provide us "Bud Light Boys" what do I say to my girlfriends I have encouraged to come when well...... yes...... I think I met the "Bud Light Boys"......


That means the 44 year old guy that gave us a shirt and was introduced as Pa Pa Stud Muffin IS their "Bud Light Boy"........ Awww although we did get personally delivered Bud T-shirts and Koozies... and he bought my new friend dinner and drinks..... couldn't it have happened shirtless, ripped and young????

Not that I should be so picky .... I mean we certainly got more personal service..... and I'm no Bud Light Girl.... but come on.......

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